Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Nope... I'm not talking about that popular TV series.... I'm talking about the initial feeling one gets upon hearing extremely bad news... Just heard from my brother that my dad was diagnosed with rectum cancer. He's scheduled for operation next week and to date, the doctors have not been able to confirm whether it's stage 2 or 3... or whether he would need to go through chemotherapy.

Though I've known all along that my parents are getting old, the prospect of possibly losing them is extremely upsetting and rendering me in a state of feeling very lost...


lAzy pAnda said...

oh no... if u need anything just let us know k? anything at all... *hugz*

i rem tat time how freak out i was when i found out my dad have to do a heart by-pass op. consider small op but oledi enuff to freak me out...

Oink said...

oh dear...
I'm so sorry to hear that...

Yup... Just let us know if you need anything ya...like panda said...

We'll be there for you... Like we always did and will... :)


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that. I think I know what you are going through now since I’ve lost three of my family members to cancer.

It is not easy to stay positive but you need to be strong for them during this dark period. Hope he will get well soon.