Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Hard-Earned Praise Lifts the Day!

Everyone likes to hear praises about how good they look, how well they've done etc. And a good word here and there sure helps to erase any bad vibes that you may be feeling for that day. That being said, sometimes we do wonder about the truth behind those praises - is he saying this because he is just being diplomatic / a friend? Or does she have a catch up her sleeve?

But when a good word or compliments come from the most unlikely source... then maybe there's some truth in that. And it would mean one really looks good or have done a really good job. That's something to be accepted graciously and appreciated.

Reason for this rambling on praising people? Well, I received one such compliment from a most unusual source... someone that I know that has a habit of making snide, sarcastic remarks and finding faults. But at the moment when he said it, one could feel that he truly meant it this time, for whatever it was I did, it helped him gain favor in the right places. And it was no small task that I accomplished too, for there were lots of follow-ups and complications. Knowing what went behind the scenes to make that happen, and hearing this compliment from this unlikely source, definitely gave me an uplifting feeling that I have done something right and well. :)

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