In a relationship, when is enough really enough?? True... I agree that a relationship is built on truth and trust in each other... but have there been times when a person has done something really stupid and it was a dilemma of telling the truth and therefore upsetting the partner... or telling a white lie... hoping that what he/she don't know doesn't hurt??
and how is it that two persons who love each other can find so much to quarrel about?? what is there to quarrel?
I don't like quarrels...and frankly i don't believe that a relationship means being happy every moment. I believe that in every relationship there are ups and downs... the ups are the happy moments, but there are bound to be times when two people will disagree... the downs. That was how God made us in the first place... with free will... otherwise He might as well have manufactured us a perfect robots. And because I believe every relationship is imperfect, even our relationship with God for we are humans and we are flawed, no matter how much a couple disagree, I feel that is part and parcel of a relationship. How disagreements are talked out are part and parcel of the work that is required to keep a relationship healthy. Yes work! Whoever said that relationships are pure enjoyment?? That's only the partial by-product of a well-managed relationship.
But why is it that some people feel the need to raise the question or even seem to threaten to break up every time there is a disagreement? Shouldn't the fact that you love him/her be enough for you to stop you from even mentioning that? And when will enough be enough... that the person on the receiving end might just decide to take that threat seriously once and for all...
How I wish I can say never.
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