Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Back.... and not quite...

Back to work again... but not quite cos my mind somehow refused to get into gear today. Think still tired from the late nights of studying etc. Exams are over for me and I'm finally left with only the dissertation to do but that is a lot of work too. Got to get started working on the proposal and give the draft to my supervisor by next week. After that, it's a lot of leg-work like getting research materials, conducting interviews and surveys, analyse results etc. I don't fear the writing part... it's easy. I just hate the info gathering portion of it. Still feeling that I'm dying to get this over and I've given myself an ultimatum deadline of submission by end Sept (latest!).

And finally back to blogging... heh. Come to think of it, I can start enjoying the luxury of having more time to meet friends, watch tv and simply relax when I reach home after work. Can start doing that tonight.... yeh....


lAzy pAnda said...

yes it started tonite! hehehee..... must have more of tis...

it's so relaxing to bitch after a hard day work! hahahhaa

Yuen Li said...

Oh, are exams why you've not blogged recently? Don't worry, I'm sure you'll finish your dissertation in good time and still come through with flying colours. :)

kittyn said...

yup... been busy studying for the past week so haven't really had time to log on and blog... and when i do log on, it was more for clearing emails... brain was so saturated with studying for those days that I couldn't think of anything to blog about... haha

What a relief it's over... I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel already.... yeh!!!