Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I can't sleep. Not at all... despite the fact that my body and mind is tired as hell. I lie in bed tossing this way and that and my eyes are still wide open. My pulse is racing, my chest feels tight and I find it a labour to breathe. It just feels so uncomfortable that I almost wish I can be disembodied from my physical body.

Why? I'm too stressed to sleep. My mind can't stop churning and I thought I won't have to say this of my job for a long time but I was wrong... I actually dread falling asleep to wake up the next day and find myself having to go to work. And when one starts dreading to go to his/her job, well.... it says something about how much longer one can put up with it....

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Good Ol' Days??

**Warning: Random ramblings below....**

Sometimes I hear my favourite songs on the radio and start singing along with it. There was one such incident when I was singing along with a song and a friend of mine commented that it shows how old I am.

I, for one, have no issue about telling people exactly how old I am. And come to think of it, a lot of the songs that we've heard in the "good ol' days" have much more meaningful lyrics and meaning in them than the ones that are fed to us over the radio these days. Not to mention, many of the old time singers are MUCH, MUCH BETTER singers.... than the wannabes we see (and try not to hear) these days.

Listening to senseless droning of songs that go "my hump my hump" or worse... I wonder sometimes whether in this day and age of technology superhighway, are we running out of ideas that make for good, meaningful content? What happened to originality? Creativity? Imagination? even just simply, a recounting of one's experiences and opinion in life?

Fortunately, there's still hope... and I place mine in books. At the very least, they remain the one constant source for ideas... particularly for the movie industry. Exciting a movie may seem, reading the written word and imagining it all happening in my head.... well, nothing beats the power of the human mind.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Another one to the list

Someone decided to console me by saying that I have an international face.... one that blends... and I think perhaps a little too well....

latest addition to the list of mistaken identities - someone commented I look like a Vietnamese and started to converse with me in Vietnamese...
