Thursday, October 11, 2007

Am I Happy??

The answer is No, a resounding one.

Right now, people around me have been making me feel used, undervalued, unappreciated and totally worthless except for the occasional "do you remember where is this? Can print that out for me?"

NO I'm not happy at all. I'm feeling extremely peeved and dissatisfied. Afterall, I have given every effort into everything I do and pretty much given it more priority than it deserved.

I don't like this feeling at all...


Emmanuel Alex Wong said...

Buay Song! If stored up to a non sustainable amount can release a powerful amount energy towards the last victim that has encountered you.

I dont want to be that victim thanks.


kittyn said...

For the record, it almost did.... cos someone conveniently pushed her job to me because she didn't feel like hunting for the files in the dept drive... and she's the admin in the dept lor...

OOh that was so close to exploding point.....