Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Wearing you down... slowly but surely

Sometimes I wonder how some people can stand it being the way they are... basically these people that I'm referring to are the ones that tend to wear you down, and make you so frustrated and tired that you just feel like throwing in the towel or snapping at them. How? Well, there are a number of ways...

1) Nagging & repetitive inquisitors
These are the kinds of people who will repeat and repeat themselves till you break. It doesn't matter that you have spent the last few days (sometimes weeks or even months!!) listening to the same old story. And the worse comes when these people start going after everyone else repeating the same questions.... you start wondering where did their ears go or do they have a brain to absorb the repeated answers. By the time the person completes a full circuit of the people around you and comes back to you, you are ready to chew his head off.

2) Indecisive fence squatters
These are the kind of people that refuse to make a decision and sometimes you wonder what got them to their status in the first place. You give them a choice between A & B and they go beating round the bush till the cows come home and they have still not indicated whether their choice is A or B. And not to mention they take their own sweet time at it too. By the time they come back to you with a grandfather story, you realised you've either run out of time or you have to stand next to them threatening to strangle them before they nail down that decision. Much of the time, you realise these people are such cowards that you end up having to decide for them and take the responsibility, which should not be yours to take in the first place.

Yes... I'm having a bad day.... Argh!!!!

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