Monday, July 02, 2007

Under the weather...

This is not a good feeling... Woke up with this feeling that the slightest breeze will inspire a freezing chill up my spine and my joints. Not to mention the ruthless aircon temperature in the office... wondering if my body is going to fall victim to a flu or fever soon.

Argh... have not felt this way for some time already. Maybe I'm just getting too caught up with everything else that's happening that I haven't been paying attention to my body. Realised that for the past month, I've been having less than 5 hours sleep each day, with the exception of weekends. That's not a very good habit at all cos sleep that has run away will never come back. And on saturday, someone commented at a BBQ I attended that I've lost weight! *Gulp* Not a good sign for me.... I know panda would beg to differ for her case... hahaha...

Panda - can I borrow some of your fats?? hahahaha *siam before kenna hantam*

1 comment:

lAzy pAnda said...

lend u lend u .... but pls DUN return!!!! -_-"