Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Back... alive and kicking... barely

Yes I'm back!!

Finally... after a few consecutive weeks of hectic travelling and preparing for events, I finally feel at home.... and am physically at home.

Ever wondered how much the weather affects you? As in... do you feel that there are some days in which you feel really hyper and really on the get-go... but there are some that make you wish you'll never have to work another day.

Today is one of the latter. Probably the rain in the morning before I left the house had something to do with it. It makes me feel like snuggling up in bed for another snooze. It seems to make my brain work at a retardedly-slow rate... took me almost one whole day to write one article. *Phew*

Someone commented that there is low morale around here... but judging from the number of latecomers in the morning, I think the weather had a larger part to play than general morale. Afterall, it is a common phenomenon to see more spare parking lots available than usual if it's a rainy morning, even if I arrived at work at the same time!

.... slow day....

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