Tuesday, March 28, 2006

mourning for a kitten...

Today I did a terrible thing.... I found a kitten at my office building yesterday morning and apparently it has been abandoned by its mother since sunday. It was hungry and its eyes were still closed... barely a few days old. I tried to feed it some milk this morning but after thinking through, there's no way I can take care of the kitten even if I brought it home... newborns need to be fed kitten formula milk once every 2 hours... there's no one at home that can take care of it.... I asked a few colleagues and most already have cats at home to take care of and unwilling to take on another. There seemed to be no alternative and it would have died if it continued to stay outside without the mother.... out of hunger and dehydration, suffering while it died.

I brought the poor kitten to SPCA this evening, and the probability is that it will be put down humanely. The minute I stepped out of SPCA I felt so sad... as though I had been the murderer surrendering the kitten to SPCA. I cried and cried on my way home and still crying now as I thought about the kitten. It was so adorable and such a fighter too... spirited kitten. If only the mother cat hadn't abandoned it at such a young age... it would have survived... it would have had a life....

It was a terrible thing to do and how I hate myself for having done it....I do hope they feed the kitten tonight before it's put to sleep tomorrow... at least it would have slept well... having satisfied its hunger....

I;m sorry kitten.... bye...


Cold Cut Ten said...

Aw, don't feel too bad about it. I think you did right calling SPCA. Don't mean to sound cold, but the mothercat's action might be due to some reasons: maybe she herself is too weak to take care of the kitten or that the kitten was already sick anyway. Look at it this way, if you didn't call SPCA, the kitten might have suffered for longer. You know most people would just ignore the poor little thing.

Feel better soon, Kittyn.

dsnake1 said...

you are a really compassionate person.

I think you did the right thing. Do not let the poor creature suffer anymore.

lAzy pAnda said...

i agreed... most will just ignored and walk off... at least u did something. and u din let the kitten fend for itself and suffered in the "wild"... *pat pat*