Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
how abnormal am I?? I thought I was mad!!

You are at medium risk for being a psychopath. It is somewhat likely that you have no soul.
You are at low risk for having a borderline personality. It is unlikely that you are a chaotic mess.
You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.
You are at low risk for having a social phobia. It is unlikely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.
You are at medium risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is somewhat likely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.
Monday, February 06, 2006
What luck...!
I'm never a person who believes much in luck... except I tend to think that I'm not that lucky most of the time. But the past weekend has been surprisingly lucky....
Went to a friend's place for mahjong and luck was shining on my side... even after "bao-ing" one round of loses, I emerged the biggest winner with $20... kekeke we played small lah... only 20-40 cents for one "tai"....
And on the way to collect my car from the carpark after the game, who should I see but a parking pontianak standing right in front of my coupon-less car!! And again lady luck was with me for she was looking at her sms and hasn't had time to look at my car. I quickly opened the door and drove off... *phew*
Then at another friend's place, just as we were parking, we saw the parking pontianak again!! We quickly tore off a coupon and placed it in the car to avoid the summons... kekeke...
And at my friend's friend's place ... (it sounds confusing yeh... but I don't really know the house owner... ) there was a game of blackjack. Although we played for a short time, I won $4... kekeke... and that was on top of the winnings i had earlier in the day from mahjong... Yahoo!!
though winnings are small... any winning is good luck. not to mention evading the parking pontianaks!! What luck!!
Went to a friend's place for mahjong and luck was shining on my side... even after "bao-ing" one round of loses, I emerged the biggest winner with $20... kekeke we played small lah... only 20-40 cents for one "tai"....
And on the way to collect my car from the carpark after the game, who should I see but a parking pontianak standing right in front of my coupon-less car!! And again lady luck was with me for she was looking at her sms and hasn't had time to look at my car. I quickly opened the door and drove off... *phew*
Then at another friend's place, just as we were parking, we saw the parking pontianak again!! We quickly tore off a coupon and placed it in the car to avoid the summons... kekeke...
And at my friend's friend's place ... (it sounds confusing yeh... but I don't really know the house owner... ) there was a game of blackjack. Although we played for a short time, I won $4... kekeke... and that was on top of the winnings i had earlier in the day from mahjong... Yahoo!!
though winnings are small... any winning is good luck. not to mention evading the parking pontianaks!! What luck!!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Gong Xi Gong Xi...
... But not neccessarily Fa Cai... went to play blackjack at a colleague's place during the third day of Chinese New Year and the host had such good luck that everyone lost... almost every penny they bet. hmmm... gambling during Chinese New Year seem to have lost its shine on me... esp when I'm losing... kekeke
Anyway, Happy Lunar New Year and hope it bore more good fortunes to you than me. :D
Anyway, Happy Lunar New Year and hope it bore more good fortunes to you than me. :D