What does it mean when someone says they haven't had enough of the freedom?? What does it mean when someone says they want you to respect them??
And I wonder, how often do the people who asks for these, look within themselves and think through whether they have given that same level of freedom and respect that you've been giving them and yet they demand for more??
I wonder...
*in a voodoo doll mode... wishing I can stick some needles in a certain voodoo doll*
>> when someone says they want you to respect them??
I don't know the answer to the other one, but this one sometimes means "shut up, don't contradict me."
Well I guess that's human nature. People are contradictory and ironical, we only see what's bad in other people but can't see what's terrible in ourselves.
That's why there are always disagreements between people.
When you give too much, you're nonchalent. When you don't give the expected amount you're possessive and strangling them in their own breathing space. *Haiz*
P.S Better don't furrow your brows ar wait got kitty wrinkles. Buy bigger thicker needles then more pain...and won't prick your fingers if you not careful...
I can lend you mine... if you want....Muahahahahahaha....
it's like money not enough. :)
to demand respect, you must first give respect.
liz... i agree with you. Sometimes it does mean "shut up, don't contradict me."
but how often can a person take it if the partner keeps saying it to him/her? 2 people together are bound to disagree on one thing or another, for 2 people will always have different views on one thing.
it's just like how long will it take before reaching breaking point when one person keeps throwing an ultimatum of break up at the other everytime there is a disagreement?
give u freedom u say i dun gan cheong u, dun give u freedom u say i suffocate u... 神也是你,鬼也是你,你赢了咯!
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