Thursday, September 29, 2005

The 12th

Disclaimer: I hope this piece doesn't offend anyone, particularly the family of the victim. It's just an expression of my personal opinion that this could have been avoided if the more were done earlier. What's important and what's not....? Does it have to wait till it hits the news on the front page or when lives are lost?

The 12th
Today I made the news.
Amongst outlook on the economy
and morning Orchard declared ERP-free.
While ASEAN looks for closer links
and Microsoft and Symantec encounter high-end piracy

Today I made the news.
When Hock Kee owners move out
and Simei neighbours go to court.
Whilst SAVH and NCSS dispute over authority
and social skepticism looms over organizations for charity.

Today I made the news.
As Indonesians rage over cut fuel subsidies
and labour strike plagues Manmohan Singh.
When Tokyo is thrilled over a giant squid
while Silk Road's reopening looks like a longer wait.

Today I made the news.
Amongst an unknown teacher made prime minister
and criticisms of Germany's political disarray.
While French soldiers storm a car ferry
and British assures Iran of diplomacy.

Today I made the news.
The third this month, the twelfth this year.
Amongst Malaysia's 70, Philippines' 260
and Indonesia's 540 as the dengue runs check-free.
Today I made the news.


lAzy pAnda said...

well it ain't offensive lor.... in fact maybe u should write in and have it as part of the "anti-dengue" drive..... :D

kittyn said...

hehe... maybe not.... after reading the Blurbs on PFFA, I think this needs major dissecting and reworking... kekeke

lAzy pAnda said...

dun scare me leh, like dat i dare not write liao.... 8O