Saturday, June 04, 2005

Movies movies movies

I've lost count of the movies I've watched over the past week. AXN, Star Movies, HBO... those are the regular channels I surf every nite. And I've watched quite a few too... Finding Neverland, Tuxedo, Batman Returns, The Grinch... etc etc... not too bad. At least something I enjoy... kekeke ....

Have spent the first of 3 weeks here in Bangalore and with all that traffic problem getting anywhere during the evenings after work, I really don't feel the motivation to move around and explore the city. Maybe after work today I'll do that... as it's a saturday and traffic is much lighter... was thinking of spending just half a day at work instead of the full day.

So far so good... tho Indian food is still not my favourite kind of diet, I find that I can live with some meals here and there... Been substituting with Chinese food wherever I can find it... and of course.. the trusted instant noodles and soups. If I happen to go shopping later, will have to drop by a supermarket and pick up some more stuff for my room, in case I don't feel like eating out.

Hmm... was just wondering... anyone knows if India has any history of eating exotic stuff like snakes, insects or other kinds of meat?? kekeke.... just want to know...


lAzy pAnda said...

think chinese have more "exotic" food than indians..... they have exotic spices nia! hehehehe.....

kittyn said...

ok lah... found out from one colleague that there are some northeastern states that eat dog.... in fact they are pricier than pork....

and there's one particular tribe that eats cats... :S

lAzy pAnda said...
