Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Force is with you...

Yes!! I've watched it! Caught Star Wars Episode III last nite and finally the story is COMPLETE! Now all I have to do is to have patience.... wait for the Episode I-III DVD collection to come out on the market and become relatively cheap before I'll buy it. I already have Episode IV-VI platinum edition... kekeke...

Not that I'm such a hard core Star Wars fan... but I think Star Wars was such a milestone in movie making history that it should not and CANNOT be ignored! Just like Lord of the Rings which had recently reshaped movie-making of the fantasy genre, so had Star Wars when it came out more than 20 years ago!

And the best part is, despite the fact that the music was composed more than 20 years ago, the opening titles belonged to movie history of another time, when those lines came out in dead silence...

"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."

And when the music blasted through the speakers with the movie title, I still can't help that feeling of exilaration and excitement! I love the opening titles... kekeke...

okok... perhaps I am a bigger Star Wars fan than I think I am... kekeke... and I'm sure there are plenty more out there like me or even bigger fans than me....

The Force is with us!!!! kekeke

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