Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Gunpowder fest...

I did something bad this morning... flared up at my mom. It wasn't intended but she just won't stop nagging me about buying cat food. Of course I know I need to buy them today and I was already trying to find ways to fit that into my schedule for today. And mornings are a bad time for naggings because I'm usually grouchy from not enough sleep. Not to mention that I had been pretty stressed the previous night with my school project and other homework. I was already trying to say too much and trying to psyche myself up in preparation for today... but she just wouldn't stop. When she launched into that age-old threat to throw away my cat (ever since he was 3 years old... now he's 7!) I reached my breaking point. Basically I told her to just shut up, finish her sweeping in the room and get out. Not to mention I threw my bath towel in an act of frustration and exasperation. Because I was simply too fed up.

I could have handled the situation calmly but I wasn't in a very calm state at that time. It's terrible to behave like that... particularly cos she's my mom...sigh...the whole thing gave me a bad mood to start my day... practically as though I swallowed gunpowder today....


PurpleDusk said...

aww, that's awful - try not to feel too bad. hope your day gets better. *hug*

lAzy pAnda said...

yah we all hate it when we get the nagging.... *pat pat*