Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Getting Reconnected

Today I finally made the effort to get reconnected... to God. It's just so easy to get distracted with the nitty-gritty of everyday life e.g. work, home, studies... that spending a little time with God gets pushed to the back of the mind. And it feels good to get reconnected again, because I realised if I hadn't, one day I might even forget how to talk to Him at all.

Have been feeling really tired and burdened with all the nitty-gritty over the past few weeks and I realised that's because I've been trying to do everything on my own, by my own strength. Why hadn't I gotten reconnected earlier? Afterall, He is the strength and stamina that drives us, He is my energizer battery!

Really thank God for the invention of the Internet. It has made God even more accessible through things like online devotionals, online bible study tools etc. It didn't take a long time... just 5-10 mins before I start on my work... that is all.

It feels great to be reconnected.

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