Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Escapist again....

Maybe I'm hitting depression mode again.... there are some days where every single little thing just gets to you... making you frustrated. Like not knowing when projects are happening, not knowing what will be the outcome of your plans, or basically just feeling stuck because everything that you need to get things going is dependent on someone else.

It just brings you down and make you so unmotivated at what you do.... at least, that's what it does to me....

and on these occasions, I often catch myself thinking... even wishing.... that I can just disappear into the oblivion and forget about it all....

Yes... seems I'm slipping into the escapist mood again....


Medusa aka expiringpoet said...

Just do your best dear. People are often insensitive, unappreciative, inconsiderate and moronic.

Life's a huge test of how much you can endure and can change for the better. Just remember not to be too hard on yrself and give yourself a pat on the back when you've done well okay?


kittyn said...

yeah... takes time to recover sometimes... hahaha

how was your cambodia trip?

Medusa aka expiringpoet said...

trip was stupendous! I'm experiencing serious withdrawals!!!

kittyn said...

hahahaha i know how the withdrawals feel.... i was wishing i was still on holiday for almost a week!!!